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    • CommentTimeJan 31st 2009
    The very last resort
    The page that shows a "62." in the top left corner.
    Helpful Sprites in Charge
    The title of the only favourite piece Bella has ever mentioned
    • CommentAuthorskweekie
    • CommentTimeFeb 5th 2009 edited
    /Julika: *a little white noise* leave them something to figure out themselves/. The title is also mentioned in the movie, though not in the same place as the book.

    Edit: That may be too much.. if Julika edits this, sorry, lol, it's a good clue though..

    /Julika: Most of the times it's too obvious if you're already thinking that I might come back to get you ;o)/
    • CommentAuthorashjen
    • CommentTimeFeb 6th 2009
    i knew the answer, plus i have this on my ipod =P but the spelling is different from on my ipod. try the different spellings.