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    i think if an animal was turned into a vampire, there WILL be a new rule that is VERY quite similar to the toddler vampires rule.

    hey, irish_vamp, remind me what i said before u edited it...

    hey, ever thought about this: what if a vampire bit itself, or another vampire injected his venom into another?
    • CommentAuthorIrish_Vamp
    • CommentTimeFeb 11th 2009 edited
    Helpful Sprites in Charge
    Julika - :O you're working on it already?! class!!! XD
    I wish I had something like that to do - got 2 weeks off for bedrest & nothing to do >.<

    twilightkid12: um.. I don't really remember.. It was yesterday and I've had a really hectic day lol
    You were laughing at dawnmanabat because they couldn't answer the first 3 questions.. It was just the way you said it... Sorry if I offended you or anything, I honestly didn't mean to :(
    If a vampire bit another vampire it wouldn't do anything...
    The only way it would do anything is if they ripped something off, but unless they magically threw themselves in a fire, their body pieces would just come back together...
    • CommentTimeFeb 11th 2009
    The very last resort
    It's not as if I don't take suggestions on questions ... by mail, with the subject questions or something. And it will take some time, I have an internship coming up next week.

    May I remind you edit your posts? Double posting annoys the *cough* out of me.
    hey, u know, i just realized something!

    if Edward wanted to commit suicide, he could have made the whole process much faster: 1)build a fire. 2)toss yourself INTO the fire. 3)enjoy the underworld u wanted to go to, Edward..... 4)Edward wakes up only to find himself in heaven. he cries(he's dead. tears exist magically), finding out that Bella is still alive.

    oh. OH! now, i get it! if Edward had done it that way, the story wouldn't have been a best seller, exactly......
    If Stephenie Meyer wrote that in one of the books, all of the Edward girls (like me) would probably cry all day until they had to take the book off the shelf and she had to change it... Just saying that if Edward died, a lot of people(and other species) would be crushed.
    • CommentAuthorIrish_Vamp
    • CommentTimeFeb 12th 2009
    Helpful Sprites in Charge
    Haha admit it, we only read it because of Edward =P

    j/k ...kinda... *cough*
    I'll admit it.
    Without Edward there wouldn't be a Twilight.
    There would be some cool name that has something to do with werewolves, Jacob, and Bella since without Edward Jacob would've imprinted on her.
    It wouldn't be as awesome, I think.
    • CommentAuthorJo
    • CommentTimeFeb 12th 2009
    Jacob would have never imprinted on Bella. Bella was never made for him.
    • CommentAuthorIrish_Vamp
    • CommentTimeFeb 12th 2009
    Helpful Sprites in Charge
    I hated Jacob :/
    He annoyed the bejezus out of me >.<

    Even book 2 in breaking dawn was too much... urgh..
    Ya, I hated book two.
    I do have to say that I am glad that Jacob finally found someone though.
    If Bella would have choosen Jacob, I would be like sooooo mad...
    • CommentAuthorIrish_Vamp
    • CommentTimeFeb 13th 2009
    Helpful Sprites in Charge
    I hated that it was Renesmee he imprinted on though.. I really wish he'd just leave them all alone >.<

    Jacob reminds me of someone I know...way, way too much :|
    Ya, well I picture(since there is no more books afterward) that he and Nessie like spent more time at the reservation then at the Cullen house. If Jacob stayed around at the Cullens house like all the time, that wouldn't really be a happy ending(in my mind, at least).
    I wish that the girl at the park, in one of the books, would have been Jacob's imprintie. You remember when he was trying to find his soulmate at the park? The girl over there would have been better because he would never 'hurt' Bella ever again.
    (By hurt I mean on the inside, like the hole in her chest in New Moon.)
    • CommentAuthorchristina
    • CommentTimeFeb 13th 2009
    Well, I don't like Jacob. I cried during New Moon and hated to read all this about Jacob, I knew Bella was getting too close and I didn't like it. I also couldn't stand to read the 2nd book in BD. And I only read twilight because of Edward. lol. I do think if there was no Edward then Jacob would have imprinted on Bella, because there would have been no Renesmee. I don't like the fact Jacob imprinted on Renesmee either. I also wondered about the animal turning into a vampire thing. But, I thought they kill the animal before they drink it's blood? Like snap it's neck or something? Anyways, I don't think they would let it run away alive after they bit it because they know the trouble it would cause. lol. Could you imagine?!?
    All of the forests around our houses would be full of animals, that wanted to drink your blood? Ya, that would be bad... Vampire bunnies, OME!!!
    hey, what WOULD have Jacob done if he imprinted on Bella, but she loved Edward, and Edward STILL felt werewolves were bad? hmmm.......death.....i suppose.....
    • CommentAuthorIrish_Vamp
    • CommentTimeMar 10th 2009
    Helpful Sprites in Charge
    Anyone still around?
    Is any one else getting really excited about twilight DVD cause i know i am. It just sucks that i'm in the UK so we dont get it to April 6th. Thats like a whole 17 days after everyone else!!!!
    • CommentAuthorIrish_Vamp
    • CommentTimeMar 13th 2009
    Helpful Sprites in Charge
    ARGH!!!! OMG!!!!!

    Okay.. *breathes*
    I just came home after a really bad day at work.. to find a brown envelope..



    oh my gosh!!! I havn't stopped grinning!! Julika thank you sooo soo much!!! Thank you thank you thank you!!! I love it!!!
    It's beautiful!! =D


    argh! Thank you!!! XD
    • CommentTimeMar 13th 2009
    The very last resort
    Yay, that's awesome! Two people received their shirt today ... and although cheesy: Totally my pleasure, I hope you enjoy your shirt. (I'm still waiting for mine that I bought as my reward. I guess it got stuck in customs - again.)
    hmmm....Julika, when r u gonna have the next riddles out???
    • CommentTimeMar 14th 2009
    The very last resort
    Like I said, I'll have to write my bachelor's thesis this semester. But I think I will be able to squeeze it in at some point. Patience is a virtue. ;o)
    yeah......what is a bachelor's thesis?????? it sounds hard......what grade r u in? this sounds like collage rather than high school...............
    • CommentAuthorIrish_Vamp
    • CommentTimeMar 17th 2009
    Helpful Sprites in Charge
    Julika- seriously, I LOVE it! haha which one did you pick? =]

    twilightkid12 - probably because she <is> in college ;) This whole Riddle was a project for it
    • CommentTimeMar 17th 2009
    The very last resort
    That's good to hear. Since I already had a "singer" one, I chose the one that I could wear for my next bout of extreme sports. And just for the record: Customs finally released my shirt. Seriously, with me everything that can go wrong will go wrong. Or just take twice as long.

    And yup, that would be university ... or college, whichever is more appropriate. I'm in my last semester for a first degree (bachelor of arts, which is everything but science and education) and I want to continue on for a master's degree. That will be another 12 to 24 months.
    • CommentAuthorJo
    • CommentTimeMar 30th 2009
    not been on this site in a while

    Just wondering Julika how you got on with the riddle project / any results as of yet from your course

    • CommentTimeMar 31st 2009
    I made my own riddle. (but it's kinda slow here, so idk if anyone will get this...)

    but it'll never be as good as yours, Julika.
    • CommentTimeApr 1st 2009
    The very last resort
    My lecturer still hasn't put up anything that resembles a grade ... I'll keep you posted on that if you want me to. I guess he is kind of busy. Or whatever ;o).

    I feel honoured that people begin to try their hand on creating riddles themselves. However, I would like to ask you to be a little creative in naming your projects since my project still needs to be graded and I don't want anyone to be confused.

    On a last note (for now): I'm working on a second round - as promised - and what I can say now is that it will probably be even longer than the first. And most likely harder in terms of riddling questions *insert evil laugh here*. I'd say almost halfway done.
    Helpful Sprites in Charge
    lol you'd better keep us posted on your grade =P [when you get it, that is hah]

    hehe longer and harder sounds perfect me thinks XD
    Can't wait!!
    haleyknitz, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! i can't even get past your second question!!! does it have to do something with bella getting married??
    • CommentTimeApr 13th 2009 edited
    uh... no. but why don't you come to my forum and post there, i'm sure Julika would like that better than us using hers ;)

    /edit Julika: That's the spirit. And it helps other riddlers in the quiz concerned if questions are discussed where others can see it./
    hey, Julika, have YOU tried out the riddles? i bet you could finish it in a snap :)
    • CommentTimeApr 15th 2009
    The very last resort
    Nope, I haven't ... I've been without proper Internet access for a while and now I'm back to uni, battling for/with my BA thesis. And I'm working on my second bunch of questions, we wouldn't want anyone accusing me of copying ideas now, would we?

    General question: Would you wait longer for a really long riddle or wait not quite as long for a few riddles in stages? This will probably not influence my pace, but who knows?
    • CommentAuthorIrish_Vamp
    • CommentTimeApr 15th 2009
    Helpful Sprites in Charge
    See.. now that's just teasing! haha

    So either wait a long while for a really class riddle..
    or get an early fix but not have it last so long...

    Toughie :/
    • CommentTimeMay 10th 2009
    The very last resort
    Short update (on the off chance that there are still people checking in here): My lecturer has looked into the project and the first impression is very good. Tea, anyone?

    The second thing: I'm still working on more questions, but I don't have as much time for it as I want to have. However, I already have three times as many rough ideas for new questions. They still need to be refined and I haven't finished my read through, so that number will change. Just to let you know about the dimensions we're discussing here.
    Good for you Julika! I hope you great the grade you deserve... (a 1,000,000 out of 100)
    • CommentAuthorIrish_Vamp
    • CommentTimeJun 14th 2009
    Helpful Sprites in Charge
    I still check here =]
    In fact, I thought I'd commented weeks ago -_-'

    Julika, you'll definitely get an amazing grade, there's no doubt.
    Are you getting the result soon?

    & it's so great to hear you're still thinking through a second riddle!
    I'm very much liking the sound of how many questions you have XD
    haha I wanted the last one to go on for longer =D
    • CommentTimeJun 16th 2009
    The very last resort
    Sometimes I think I have too many construction areas at the same time, but then I figure that I would be bored otherwise. Okay, here's the update: Thorough reading is done, number of ideas is at a dimension that makes my head hurt. And I'll have a thorough movie session the within next couple of days. Then some coding and other renovations and we're good to go. How does that sound? I'll let you know more once the time comes. But it will be soonish ... as well as the news from the grading front.
    • CommentAuthorIrish_Vamp
    • CommentTimeJul 27th 2009
    Helpful Sprites in Charge
    Why do I keep thinking I've posted ages ago, when I havn't.. my memory is the worst!

    Okay, your update sounds amazing!! I'm getting far too excited at the prospect of another riddle quest! xD

    Hope soonish comes soonish ;)