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    • CommentTimeJan 31st 2009
    The very last resort
    You want to comment on my project? Sue me for taking up your time? Thank me for taking care of your boredom? Suggestions?

    Those things go in here, but please leave the torches and pitchforks at home.
    • CommentAuthorisobel
    • CommentTimeFeb 3rd 2009
    this is ridiculously addictive and i love it!
    Helpful Sprites in Charge
    Haha you are EVIL!!
    I love you for this, but you are incredibly evil!


    the bit after #101 is so complicated...
    • CommentTimeFeb 3rd 2009
    The very last resort
    Now you're scaring me ... but it's good to know that there are people almost finished. That means the questions are solvable. Good on you.

    *adds new adjective to her character description*
    Helpful Sprites in Charge
    Haha sorry =P
    But I hadn't realised i'd skipped a couple of numbers when doing it, so going back after I'd finished and seeing the gaps ... I nearly cried XD


    You're very good at this though! =D
    This is awesomely addicting!
    • CommentAuthornotnessie
    • CommentTimeFeb 3rd 2009
    I'm completely absorbed in this quiz! Question 72.. but now I'm stuck.
    How do you start it..?
    • CommentTimeFeb 3rd 2009
    The very last resort
    Take a look at the thread for level 1. Not all links are clickable.
    • CommentAuthoralyssa3x
    • CommentTimeFeb 4th 2009
    i'm so mad! i didn't write down every single one of my answers cause i didn't think they would be completely necessary and now i realize i should have :( now i have to go back hahaahah
    • CommentTimeFeb 4th 2009
    The very last resort
    I hate this phrase, but: I told you so. Sorry.
    Helpful Sprites in Charge
    How do you pick the winners?
    Is it the first five to finish or..?
    • CommentTimeFeb 4th 2009
    The very last resort
    That was the idea. I might go back to pick randomly after the first three ...
    Helpful Sprites in Charge
    How many have finished so far?

    • CommentTimeFeb 4th 2009
    The very last resort
    That's my secret to know ;o)
    Helpful Sprites in Charge
    Awh dang :(
    I really thought I was gonna be one of the first to finish lol

    Oh well, brilliant quest anyways =]
    • CommentAuthorBianca
    • CommentTimeFeb 4th 2009
    hey! the riddle was amazing!!!! kept me busy the whole day =)

    so now I've got the sentences , but there are some letters that don't fit... is that my mistake??
    • CommentTimeFeb 4th 2009
    Helpful Sprites in Charge
    "hey! the riddle was amazing!!!! kept me busy the whole day =)"

    You're just too amazing guys. Those kind of riddles are supposed to keep you busy for more than one day. (;
    Seriously, it's getting out of control, but it's great.
    • CommentAuthorAlissie
    • CommentTimeFeb 4th 2009
    Just found this thread. Whoops... ^^;

    Currently stuck at 73, but I'm having fun with it. As a whole, I mean. Not really being stuck on this one because I despise (insert what we're working with here). T_T;

    Buuuut this is amazing. :) Kept me going all afternoon and will continue into the night... providing that I make it past 73, that is. :)
    Helpful Sprites in Charge
    Um..I finished the sentences..but some don't make any sense at all.. what do i do?

    Btw, is the last one in brackets a name?
    I can't make any sense out of it..
    i can't get started, any pointers? my "let it begin" is not clickable.
    • CommentTimeFeb 4th 2009 edited
    Helpful Sprites in Charge
    Not everything is clickable... yet you can get started, trust me. Have a look at Question 1 maybe, or other threads. This has been answered before (I'm pretty sure). (;
    Edit: Me being lame. Forget about the Q1 thing and concentrate on the first 4 words. (:
    • CommentAuthorisobel
    • CommentTimeFeb 4th 2009
    ooohh i didn't know it was a race! i went to sleep instead! which sucks cause i was so one of the first to try the quiz.. *sigh* bummer.. oh well i'm stuck on 73.. so if people want to come back and help along...
    • CommentTimeFeb 4th 2009 edited
    Helpful Sprites in Charge
    Sleep's important! (: And a race... guess that's what you make of it. You're just being too fast, or Julika's riddles too easy. Hope nobody'll hurt me for the last bit.
    I can't do the riddle. I get to the part where it says "letitbegin" but there is no link, and it goes nowhere. Help.
    • CommentTimeFeb 4th 2009
    Helpful Sprites in Charge
    Check Level 1 as mentioned before. Please, read what others asked before and then ask questions. (: Just to help out: It's already the first riddle and not a fault. PS: Always stick to careful reading.
    Sorry I am getting nowhere. I give up
    • CommentAuthormeggz
    • CommentTimeFeb 4th 2009
    I just finished the riddle. It took me about 7ish hours. There were parts where I was just so frustrated for getting stuck. But, I made it through!!!
    • CommentTimeFeb 4th 2009
    Helpful Sprites in Charge
    That's so amazing. (: Didn't think you would be all that fast. Julika should have made it harder. (; Oh well, anyhow. Congrats, I have no clue how many finished so far, though. I'm just amazed.
    • CommentAuthorhiggin704
    • CommentTimeFeb 4th 2009
    Do the graphics work the same for everyone. I have noticed one hot topic on the board that everyone seemed to get really easy. For me, I had to save something to my computer to get it to work. I am thinking the hints don't necessarily work for everyone in the same way. Otherwise, really good work!!!
    • CommentAuthorcoiffed
    • CommentTimeFeb 4th 2009

    i didnt write down all my answers and I did it on two computers-so I don't get to do the final riddle, but I still had fun!
    This was fun! Of course, I didn't do any of the stuff I was actually *supposed* to do today but... oh, well! Some of the questions are infuriating until you finally get them. I loved how they made you think in lots of different ways. Kept me on my toes. :-) Thanks, Julika! And thanks, Feli, for being so helpful!
    • CommentAuthorinhiding
    • CommentTimeFeb 4th 2009
    You are incredibly clever and creative! I was glued to this ALL DAY! So much work went into this! I was all over the place-- google, the books,, fansites, youtube! This was great. I am excited to finish but could start a new one all over again tomorrow!

    I've completely neglected my work, my chores, my workout for the day! :) I think your professor severely underestimates the loyalty/obsessiveness of twilighters!!!! Good luck with your project and your class!
    this riddle is amazing!!!!!

    we love it :]

    i just wanted to let you know, alot of the discussion for the riddle is on twilight lexicon blog.... like thousands of comments.

    number 101 is EXTREMELY hard to get... but the riddle is still awesome.

    thanks :]
    • CommentTimeFeb 4th 2009
    The very last resort
    Perhaps someone could point them here ... I doubt that the guy making my grade will go and look all over the place.

    On a second note: Once I regain my sanity, I might think of "Twilight Riddle - Batch 2" But that might take a while, don't hold your breath.
    • CommentAuthorisobel
    • CommentTimeFeb 4th 2009
    i awesomely finished the riddle about an hour ago.. to the inclusion and pain of most of my class - i may or may not have been solving the riddle throughout the school day on my phone.. which consequently means i dont have all the answers written down! .. i'm going to go back and do it again though so i can have a record of the answers, but for the last challenge i don't understand what counts as 1.. 'letitbegin' or the answer to q.1 ?
    So much fun. I was so sleep deprived at school today. But it's okay. It was worth it.
    • CommentTimeFeb 4th 2009
    Liebe Julika!

    Ich hoffe, es stört dich nicht allzu sehr, wenn ich meinen Kommentar auf Deutsch abgebe, aber auf Englisch würde es einfach viel zu lange dauern und ich könnte nicht so ausführlich schreiben, wie es dein wunderbares Rätsel verdient. Und da du nun einmal auch aus Deutschland kommst, dachte ich mir, dass ich die Gelegenheit ruhig einmal nutzen kann. ;-)

    Erstmal Glückwünsche für diese geniale Idee und die noch viel genialere Ausführung!
    Ich liebe solche Art von Rätseln (wenn ich sie lösen kann, jedenfalls) und noch dazu ein Rätsel zu einem Themengebiet, auf dem ich mich auskenne, wie bei kaum etwas anderem - einfach perfekt!
    Und dein Dozent hatte keine Ahnung, wenn er dachte, dass nicht genügend Leute teilnehmen würden - we're a force to be reckoned with!

    Es hat unglaublich Spaß gemacht, das Ganze zu lösen - ich habe gestern Nachmittag angefangen und bin zum Glück (!) erst einmal bei Frage 3 steckengeblieben, denn so hatte ich die Chance eine Pause einzulegen und nach einem Geburtstagsgeschenk für meine kleine Schwester zu suchen. Als ich zurückkam habe ich mich dann natürlich sofort wieder an die Arbeit gemacht und bin bei jeder noch so kleinen Unterbrechung ziemlich nervös geworden.
    Nachdem ich für das Abendessen kaum fünf Minuten gebraucht habe, bin ich die Treppe hoch in mein Zimmer gestürmt, wie ich es das letzte Mal im August für Breaking Dawn getan habe - und das will etwas heißen!
    Wer mich gesehen hat, muss mich für vollkommen verrückt gehalten haben: Anfangs bin ich pausenlos zwischen dem Computer und dem Bücherregal hin- und hergelaufen, um mit fliegenden Fingern die richtige Textstelle herauszusuchen.
    Weitere großartige Helfer waren google ("You can google it.") und wikipedia und at last but surely not least all die tollen Leute beim Twilight Lexicon, mit denen ich gemeinsam gerätselt habe.
    Zusammen hat man einfach bessere Ideen - und keine Sorge, wir haben uns eigentlich größtenteils nur Tipps und ein paar Hilfestellungen gegeben.
    Wenn ich denn zufällig auf eine ausgeschriebene Lösung gestoßen bin, habe ich mich eher ein wenig geärgert als gefreut, denn man hat ja schließlich den Ehrgeiz, möglichst viel allein zu lösen.

    Ah, dieses Triumphgefühl, wenn man die Antwort endlich gefunden hat! Und die Frustration, wenn man sie auch nach einer Stunde immer noch nicht weiß...
    Manchmal konnte ich kaum glauben, wieso ich nicht sofort die richtige Lösung wusste und mich erst der ein oder andere Gedankenblitz weitergebracht hat. Bei anderen habe ich eine gefühlte Ewigkeit nach der richtigen Formulierung gesucht, die dann letztendlich aber auch ganz logisch klang.
    Zum Glück sind in Berlin gerade Winterferien, sodass ich die Möglichkeit hatte, auszuschlafen, nachdem ich gegen halb zwei endlich, endlich fertig war und ins Bett gehen konnte.
    Ehrlich gesagt hatte ich aufgrund verschiedener Andeutungen von Leuten, die schon früher fertig waren, am Schluss nach Frage 101 etwas noch Verzwickteres erwartet, aber der Schluss hat mir auf jeden Fall auch sehr gut gefallen. Immerhin kamen so noch einmal alle Antworten zur Geltung. :D

    Die Fragen waren insgesamt einfach genial, besonders die Mischung aus Buch, Film und Fandom hat mich begeistert! Und vor allem deine kleinen Kommentare und Zitate habe ich geliebt...
    Ich werde das Rätsel auf jeden Fall weiterempfehlen, allerdings mit der großen Vorwarnung, dass es absolut süchtig macht und man viel Zeit einplanen sollte, da man einfach nicht aufhören kann.
    Und ich würde mich über eine Fortsetzung sehr, sehr freuen, allerdings kann ich mir vorstellen, dass die Erstellung eine Menge Zeit und Mühe gekostet hat, also werde ich mich wohl gedulden müssen.

    Ganz viele liebe Grüße aus Berlin und noch einmal vielen, vielen Dank für die tollen Rätselstunden (auch wenn ich zwischendurch fast verzweifelt bin)!
    Ich wünsche dir noch viel Erfolg fürs Studium und natürlich bei deinem großartigen Projekt.
    Opal von Forks Bloodbank (

    A special thanks to smalltowngirl (Landsfrau;-)), Vu, MaTaYo, ashers, becca, Jess!!, dgrlmp, Shannon, Meggie, Saskia and all the others at the lex who helped me to keep my mind sane - you guys are great!
    This is incredible and amazing. Congratulations, Julia
    • CommentTimeFeb 4th 2009
    The very last resort
    Wow, you guys *speechless and that says something*.
    Just a quick note to let you know: We just passed the 18,000 unique visitor (in two days) ... I don't know what to say. Surely a force to be reckoned with and if I could, I'd hug you all senseless. By now I can almost promise that I will design a second part, I'm ridiculously addicted to being cryptic. *g*
    That one will be without prizes, but I think that was just the icing on the cake, right? And regardless the grade I will get eventually, this is way too much fun.
    • CommentAuthorhiggin704
    • CommentTimeFeb 4th 2009
    I sent the final answer!!! Yeah!!!
    Sorry I still can't even start. Obviously you are seeing something I am not. Sorry, this might have been fun
    I can't get the link starting the riddle to work - advice?
    Helpful Sprites in Charge
    It's not a link
    Think about the instructions..

    you have to add something to the url
    as in
    • CommentAuthorchristina
    • CommentTimeFeb 4th 2009
    Woohoo I finished! Kept me busy most the day yesterday and after some sleep came back and finished it this morning! I love riddles. This was the best one yet. I do hope you make another one. This so fun!
    • CommentAuthorejs
    • CommentTimeFeb 4th 2009
    I finished! Yay! So much fun. Loved it.
    • CommentAuthormegec85
    • CommentTimeFeb 4th 2009
    this was really cool. frustrating at times but fun! i think you did an excellent job!
    • CommentAuthorniagriff
    • CommentTimeFeb 4th 2009 edited
    Huge thank you for this - my mother came in earlier and we had this conversation, during which I explain why I am so thankful!
    Mother -Are you still doing that damn riddle thing?
    Me- Yes!
    Mother -Why on Earth are you still doing it?
    Me- Well, okay, if I by chance happen to win a tshirt, then Hallelujah! but it's the actual pride you get from finishing such a huge test on your Twilight knowledge. The girl who put it together is a genius!

    And really, you are! Thank you for such a time consuming, annoying, frustrating and rewarding experience :D
    Sorry hit enter, this is soooo addictive! At question 28 and it's the first time I've needed help. I know what Emmett hates but I just can't figure it out, can't even find the quote in a book. Please help I'm worried I'm gonna sit up all night trying to find it.
    • CommentAuthorchristina
    • CommentTimeFeb 4th 2009
    be11acullen, go to the thread for question 28.